Soon we will celebrate the coming of Jesus to our earth. The message of salvation and new life in him has reached many parts of the world, including countries where governments oppress Christians.
You'd think that persecuted Christians would be in a constant state of despair and worry for this reason - and they certainly have plenty to worry about. In North Korea, Christians risk imprisonment if authorities discover they have a Bible. In addition, Christians say that life in the country has become a struggle for survival, where just getting food can be a major challenge. That's why the Danish European Mission has increased efforts to feed persecuted Christians and others in need in North Korea.
But it strikes me time and time again when I meet persecuted Christians that they are happy and the strength they find in Jesus surpasses the many challenges they face in their daily lives. Many persecuted Christians find in their everyday lives that the words of Romans 8:31-39 are true: If God is for us, who can be against us? (...) Who can separate us from the love of Christ? Distress or fear? Persecution, hunger or nakedness? (...) But in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.
As you and I celebrate Christmas, the Christians in North Korea will also celebrate Christmas. They will not be free to meet in legal church buildings, but they will meet in secret while one of them keeps watch, remembering that Jesus came to earth and the shepherds heard the angels singing: Peace to people with God's pleasure (Luke 2:14).
This Christmas, you and I can experience the same peace and joy they feel, a joy and peace that surpasses our human understanding.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year
Mission Possible