Sri Lanka
Information about Sri Lanka
Main religion: Buddhism
Governance: Republic / semi-presidential government
Capital: Sri Jayawardenapura Kotte
Population: 20 million
Number of Christians in total: Estimated 1.6 million
How are Christians harassed, discriminated against and persecuted?
In Sri Lanka, some churches do not share their faith with non-Christians. While such churches enjoy a measure of freedom, evangelizing Christians in Sri Lanka can experience violent attacks from Buddhist and Hindu nationalists and discrimination from the authorities.
Fortunately, from 2015, persecution was on the wane as new presidential elections and parliamentary elections meant that the legal rights of Christians were secured to a greater extent than before.
Suicide attacks on churches
It was therefore surprising that three churches suffered violent, coordinated suicide attacks during Easter 2019, killing around 250 people. These attacks were carried out by extremists from the Muslim minority, with external support from Islamic State.
Previously, Christians had mainly faced persecution from Buddhist and Hindu nationalists, but the terrorist attacks meant that Christians could now potentially face Islamic terror too. One church leader said after the attack: They may hate us, but we will love them.
After the suicide attacks in 2019, persecution has continued, but with little violence. There are several examples of threats and discrimination against Christians. Officials have tried with renewed vigor to force churches to register, even though no law requires this. However, officials insist and there are examples of churches being closed down. Hindu nationalism is on the rise, especially in the northern and eastern parts of the country, which has led to intimidation and attacks on Christians.
How do Christians share their faith?
Despite examples of harassment and discrimination against evangelizing Christians, there are opportunities to share the gospel in Sri Lanka, which is a relatively well-ordered society. Evangelizing churches plant churches in villages where there are no Christians and boldly share their faith with their neighbors.
What does the Danish European Mission do
Danish European Mission's donors ensure that thousands of Bibles in Sinhala and Tamil are distributed to Christians who are so poor that they do not have the means to buy a Bible.
In addition, the poor pastoral families are helped to help themselves, which means a lasting improvement of their situation.