The Board of Directors of the Danish European Mission consists of:
Anders Graversen, Chairman
Hans-Henrik Johansen, Vice Chairman
Henry Kristensen
Michael Honoré
Karin Næsby
Samuel Nymann Eriksen, Secretary General
Statutes for the Danish European Mission
1. Name and registered office
1.1 The name of the Foundation is The Danish Europamission Charitable Foundation.
1.2 The Foundation's registered office is in the City of Copenhagen.
2. Purpose and operation
2.1 The purpose of the Foundation is:
2.1.1 To spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in the world, especially in areas and among peoples not open to traditional mission;
2.1.2 To support the Christian Church in such areas through relief and development projects targeting all, regardless of political or religious affiliation;
2.1.3 To help persecuted and distressed Christians in areas mentioned in 2.1.1;
2.1.4 To disseminate information about the living conditions of Christians in areas mentioned in 2.1.1;
2.1.5 To disseminate information about the work according to 2.1.1-2.1.4 in order to strengthen the mission commitment of the Christian Church, also in Denmark.
2.2 The Foundation may engage in teaching and other activities as determined by the Board of Directors, including through subsidiaries, provided that this is done with a view to promoting the Foundation's non-profit purposes, see clause 2.1.
3. Relationship to the founder
3.1 The Foundation is founded by the Danish European Mission.
3.2 No founder or other benefits are granted in connection with the foundation.
4. Capital ratios
4.1 The share capital amounts to DKK 300,000, which is paid in cash.
4.2 It is the responsibility of the Board of Directors to ensure that the Fund's assets are at all times invested in a sound and prudent manner, taking into account both security and the possibility of achieving a satisfactory return in accordance with the rules of Danish legislation on foundations.
4.3 Any annual profits of the Foundation after deduction of reserves and reasonable consolidation of the Foundation's assets shall be used in accordance with the purpose, cf. clause 2.
5. The Board of Directors
5.1 The Foundation is managed by a Board of Directors consisting of 4-7 members.
5.2 Board members are elected by the Foundation's Board of Directors for a period of 4 years. Re-election may take place.
5.3 The Foundation's first board of directors shall be appointed by the founder upon establishment.
5.4 The Board of Directors shall elect a Chairman and a Vice Chairman from among its members.
5.5 The members of the Board of Directors do not receive remuneration for their board work.
6. Board meetings
6.1 The board of directors shall meet as often as necessary to manage the affairs of the foundation, but at least twice a year.
6.2 The chairman shall convene a board meeting with at least 8 days' written notice or, if necessary, verbally with a shorter notice. If the meeting is convened orally or with less than 8 days' notice, all board members must agree to the meeting being held.
6.3 A board member or auditor may demand that a board meeting be convened to be held within 14 days.
6.4 The Chairman shall chair the meetings of the Board.
6.5 The Board of Directors constitutes a quorum when more than half of the Board members are present.
6.6 The Board of Directors shall make decisions by a simple majority of votes, unless otherwise stated in the Articles of Association. In the event of a tie, the chairman or, in his absence, the vice-chairman shall have the casting vote.
6.7 The Board of Directors shall keep minutes of its deliberations. The minutes are signed by all members present. If a member of the Board of Directors does not agree with a decision made by the Board of Directors, he/she has the right to have his/her opinion recorded in the minutes.
6.8 Proposals may be submitted by e-mail without convening a meeting and are considered adopted when unanimous. Such resolutions shall be recorded in the minutes, a copy of which shall be sent to members of the Board of Directors within eight days of adoption.
7. Carrying out the work of the Foundation
7.1 The Board of Directors may employ the necessary staff to carry out the work of the Foundation.
7.2 Senior personnel shall participate in board meetings unless the board decides otherwise. Staff do not have the right to vote at board meetings.
8. Drawing
8.1 The foundation is signed by the chairman of the board in association with another board member or by the entire board. In connection with the purchase or sale of real estate and mortgaging, the Foundation is signed by the entire Board of Directors. Power of attorney may be granted.
9. Accounting and auditing
9.1 The Foundation's financial year is the calendar year. The first calendar year of the Foundation shall run from its establishment to December 31, 2018.
9.2 The Foundation shall prepare accounts in accordance with the rules of the Danish Financial Statements Act.
9.3 The annual report shall be audited by a state-authorized public accountant elected by the Board of Directors. The auditor is elected by the Board of Directors for one year at a time at the annual accounts meeting. Re-election may take place.
10.Changes to the articles of association and dissolution
10.1 Decisions to amend the Articles of Association or dissolve the Foundation require the unanimous consent of the Board of Directors and the approval of the Foundation Authority.
10.2 Any liquidation proceeds or profits on dissolution must be allocated to another association etc. or religious community etc. that is domiciled in Denmark or in another EU/EEA country and has a charitable or otherwise non-profit-making purpose. The use of the liquidation proceeds must be approved by the foundation authority.
Danish European Mission is a member of the following umbrella organizations:
Middle East Concern MEC documents the harassment, abuse and persecution of Christians in the Middle East.

Religious Liberty Partnership RLP has its roots in the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization gathering in 2004. The purpose of the partnership is for Christian organizations that help persecuted Christians to work together to make their work more effective and strategic.
In addition, the Danish European Mission has a large number of local partners implementing projects in the Middle East, Central Asia and Asia, whose names we cannot publish for security reasons.