
Information about Afghanistan

Main religion: Islam
Governance: Islamic Republic
Capital: Kabul
Population: 32 million
Number of Christians in total: Estimated 3000
Number of convert Christians: Estimated 3000
How are Christians harassed, discriminated against and persecuted?
Martyrdom and exclusion from society and family are some of the things Afghan Christians risk for their faith. The pressure to conform to Islam in all areas of life is high, be it family, work or public life. Islam is the very foundation of Afghan society and almost all Afghans are Muslim.
Officially there are no Christians, but around the country there are still a few thousand. These Christians mostly practice their faith in hidingeither with their families or in small groups with other believers. Confessing their Christian faith can cost them their lives, so mission is something that is almost exclusively done one-on-one in confidentiality. However, digital media has opened up a new form of mission, and there are Afghans meeting Jesus through apps, TV, radio and internet mission. But it's not easy. One of the Danish European Mission's contacts tells of a family where the wife became a Christian. After much deliberation, she told her husband and he was happy to tell her that he had been a Christian for 10 years - but couldn't tell her for fear of being exposed.
"When you become a Christian, you bring shame to the family. So if the family doesn't distance themselves from you when you become a Christian, they are ostracized by the rest of society. So the first people who come after you are your family," says a convert whose life was threatened and had to flee the country.
Read also: Insights into Afghan church history
How do Christians share their faith?
Despite the difficult conditions, there is a small movement underway in Afghanistan. Especially among the youth, there is a growing frustration with Islam that is causing people to either be open to other religions or completely reject belief in any God. It's not a revival, but it's a steady, slow stream of people opening their eyes to Jesus as their savior.
What does the Danish European Mission do
Not only is Afghanistan among the poorest countries in the world. The health situation in Afghanistan is also among the worst. The Danish European Mission's donors ensure that poor people can get medical care.