Pastor Alimjan needs prayer

NOTE! The campaign has ended as Alimjan was released on March 23, 2023 after serving his prison sentence.
Due to security reasons, it is currently not possible to bring letters to Alimjan in prison. We therefore call for prayers for Alimjan and his family.
Alimjan's wife Gülnur has occasionally been allowed to visit her husband in prison. Their son managed to learn to say "father" before Alimjan was taken from them. When the son calls for his father, he does not come. Mother and son pray that they can get Alimjan back.
Alimjan is a Uyghur. The Uighurs are a Turkic minority in the western Xinjiang province of China, whose population is mainly Sunni Muslim. Alimjan converted from Islam to Christianity in 1995 and was the pastor of a growing congregation before he was imprisoned. There are very few Christians among the Uighurs, and the few that are there are persecuted far more than Christians in the eastern part of China, who in recent years have experienced an increasing degree of freedom to practice their faith.
In 2007, police shut down the foreign company Alimjan worked for, accusing him of using the company as a cover to "preach Christianity." He was charged in January 2008 with endangering state security and arrested on February 20, 2008, accused of "inciting the secession" of Xinjiang province from China and "leaking state secrets." He received the maximum possible sentence of 15 years.
Family, friends and colleagues say that Alimjan is a loyal citizen with no access to state secrets and that his imprisonment is due to his Christian faith and cooperation with foreign Christians.
NB! The campaign below is paused as it is currently not possible to import letters to Alimjan.
A letter will be a great encouragement to him. He is serving his sentence simply because he boldly confesses his faith in Jesus and puts it into practice.
1. click here to download the letter
2. Write a small personal greeting to him. It must not be critical of China.
3. Sign the letter.
4. Send it to Danish European Mission, Drejervej 15, 2400 Copenhagen NV. We will then forward it to the prison.