
New foreign policy strategy mentions persecuted Christians

By the editorial team

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A broad majority in the Danish Parliament is behind a new foreign policy strategy, Common to the World, which focuses on freedom of belief. The strategy states: "We will work to combat discrimination, stigma and persecution of minority groups, including Christians and people affected by HIV/AIDS."

The official strategic reflection on persecuted Christians follows the groundbreaking step in 2018, when efforts for freedom of religion were included in the Finance Act. This year also saw the appointment of an ambassador for freedom of religion, Michael Suhr, and under his leadership, a small unit in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is working to make freedom of religion part of the ministry's work. 

Generalsekretær i Dansk Europamission, Samuel, glæder sig meget over fremskridtet, men opfordrer også til at have realistiske forventninger til resultatet af Udenrigsministeriets indsats: "Several commentators, politicians and organizations, including the Danish European Mission, have been pushing for increased political action for persecuted Christians for several years. However, it should be noted that funding for Denmark's foreign service is limited. Therefore, one should not expect a major effort, as Hungary, for example, has initiated. But regardless, it is very gratifying that the efforts for persecuted Christians are now mentioned in Denmark's foreign policy strategy and the work is slowly getting underway."
