Image: Congratulations to Mette Frederiksen on becoming Prime Minister (Image: News Oresund)
- The document "A Fair Direction for Denmark" describes a number of goals for the coming government, but one very important topic is not mentioned with a single word: the efforts for the world's persecuted Christians and freedom of belief.
- As Secretary General, I have visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs several times and felt the sincere interest of the staff to help persecuted Christians and other persecuted minorities through diplomatic channels because of their beliefs.
– Det er Dansk Europamissions ønske, at den gode indsats, som den tidligere regering igangsatte, og hvis potentiale slet ikke er udfoldet endnu, ikke kun må fortsætte, men også må kunne videreudvikles under dem nye regering, udtaler Samuel, generalsekretær i Dansk Europamission.
Kristeligt Dagblad today publishes the Secretary General's comments on the government agreement. Read it here...