Under great financial hardship, pastors, supported by their spouses and children, have planted churches in areas where there are no Christians. Often they have received almost no pay for this important work, sacrificing everything and being persecuted for sharing the gospel with their fellow citizens.
Pastor George tells us here: "Narangala is my hometown; I know these villagers, and my mother used to work i tea plantations Here. It is the workers on these plantations who come to my church. It's a very poor congregation that I serve."
"Min service [...] began more than 12 years ago. It was really a matter of faith, because I had no source of income. As long as she could, my mother supported my ministry with her small income from picking tea leaves. Now that she is paralyzed, it's my turn to take care of her while taking care of my wife and four small children. My only income was the 3000 rupeeI receive every month in tithes".
The priest family now makes money from goat breeding
With the support of the Danish European Mission's donors, George was given goats to breed. Goats get kids twice a year and the selling price is around 20,000 rupees. On average, George sells one goat kid per month, corresponding to a monthly income of around 20,000 rupees.
He quits: "The money I make from raising goats has been a great help. It's been a blessing for my family, and especially for my children. Not only do they get nutrition from the goat milk they get to drink every morning, the extra income also helps pay for their schooling."
Pictured right: George with his family.
There are many more pastors in Sri Lanka who need help to support themselves and their families. Our partner, the Evangelical Alliance in Sri Lanka, has asked the Danish European Mission to support poor pastoral families in the country.
Depending on local demand, families can either get 25 chickens, a cow, 2 goats, help to start a small shop or a sewing machine so they can start a sewing business. On average, it costs DKK 1,720 to help one family become self-sufficient, corresponding to a total budget of DKK 257,968.
You can lend a helping hand to poor pastors and their families. You can enable them to earn their own money - in a dignified way - so their children can be fed, clothed and educated, giving them the best conditions for a good future.
You can help pastors and their families stay in ministry and continue to share God's love with their people.
Thank you for making a very tangible, positive difference for these vulnerable and impoverished pastoral families. They will feel that Christians stand with them and support them in their important work.