

Write to the State Department on behalf of persecuted Christians

And paradoxically, the EU plans to give Turkey 22 billion kroner to stem the flow of refugees and migrants that the country - with its support for Islamic State - has itself contributed to.

By Samuel

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Image: Kurdish Peshmerga forces have faithfully protected fleeing Iraqi Christians, but their fight is made more difficult by Turkey allowing thousands of foreign fighters to fight for Islamic State.

Turkey is playing a double game with the West. This is illustrated by the fact that it supports the Islamic State (IS) while allowing the US to attack IS from its air bases.

Foreign fighters entering via Turkey

Turkey has supported IS since its inception. Firstly, Turkey has opened the border from Turkey to the part of Syria controlled by the Islamic State, allowing an estimated 25,000 foreign fighters, including 120 from Denmark so far, to join IS's violent fight in Iraq and Syria.

ISIS oil out via Turkey

Secondly, IS earns between 6.8 and 27.3 million kroner a day from the sale of oil - most of which is smuggled out via Turkey. Political analyst Caroline Glick writes in the Jerusalem Post that this allows IS to ensure the welfare of its citizens and attract foreign labor, including fighters.

The coalition is divided

It seems paradoxical that a NATO member country can take actions that blatantly thwart its allies' efforts to fight ISIS. As Denmark and Turkey are both members of NATO, Denmark can hopefully influence Turkey in a positive direction.

Write to Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen

Pray for the persecuted Christians in Iraq. You might also write a polite email to Denmark's new foreign minister, Kristian Jensen, and ask him to work for Turkey to prevent foreign fighters from traveling to Islamic State. His email is: udenrigsministeren@um.dk

An email to Foreign Minister Kristian Jensen will hit the spot, as the government's constitution - thankfully - states that the government will help persecuted Christians.

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