Image above: Humair Yousaf is grateful that he is going to school. It's thanks to the donors of the Danish European Mission.
Image to the right: Jushwa is seen in the center. He is the brother of Humair Yousaf and is in 1st grade.
Equipping children for the future
For many years, the Danish European Mission has helped poor children, primarily from the Christian minority, to go to school. This is good because one of the best gifts you can give a child is the opportunity to learn and be equipped for the world that awaits. A world that basically selects out those who have not gone to school.
Children must get out of exploitation
Image right: Time to learn something.
Poor children get schooling, shelter and food
Danish European Mission helps 30 poor Christian boys and girls with schooling in 2014. These children receive schooling, shelter and food. This means that they can concentrate on their schooling and that the likelihood of them getting into exploitative work is being minimized.
The negative trend can be stopped
Among others, we help the boy Humair Yousaf and his younger brother Jushwa, who live in a village in the province of Punjab. Without our efforts, the two boys would probably have to work washing cars all day long, and the boys would continue to be poor Christians with no hope for the future. They would probably never get out of their misery.
However, with the schooling that the Danish European Mission is now paying for, the two brothers can help put an end to the negative development. Perhaps they will eventually help more of the family's children to go to school.
Humair Yousaf is in 3rd grade and his brother is now in 1st grade. He tells us: "We are very happy that we are getting an education at a good school."
The Danish European Mission thanks you for supporting poor Christian children's schooling in Pakistan. You can ensure that more Christian children belonging to the poorest strata of Pakistani society can go to school: