The image is from Sudan.
Christians in Sudan have asked for our prayers for 27-year-old Meriam Yahia Ibrahim. She is a Christian, but from a Muslim background. Therefore, firstly, she has been found guilty of apostasy from Islam. However, Amnesty International says that Mariam was raised in the Orthodox Christian faith to which her mother belongs, as her father was absent during her childhood, according to Al Jazeera
Secondly, she has been found guilty of fornication as she is married to a Christian. According to Islamic law, it is forbidden for a Muslim woman to marry a Christian, which is why Meriam's marriage is invalid in the eyes of the government. Her husband was born in what is now South Sudan and also has American citizenship.
The couple have a young son and are expecting their second child at the end of May.
Meriam was arrested on February 17 and on March 4 she was charged with fornication and apostasy from Islam. Her son is in prison with his mother because the authorities consider him a "Muslim" and will not allow him to be raised by his father, who is a Christian.
Meriam was tried on May 11, where she was convicted of apostasy from Islam and sentenced to death. There is no precedent for such a verdict and sentencing of a Christian believer in Sudanese courts.
Christians who support the family ask for prayers to
- Meriam, her husband, their son and their unborn child will know the peace, presence and protection of Jesus;
- that by the power of the Holy Spirit, Meriam will have the boldness to stand firm and not renounce her Christian faith;
- All charges must be dropped, the death sentence overturned, Meriam released and the family reunited;
- Christians in Sudan will know the peace and presence of Jesus, the daily guidance of the Holy Spirit and that they may be equipped to live without fear;
- all officials involved in the case will love mercy, act justly, learn about Jesus and choose to follow him