For three days they were away from the house. But after the three days, the angry father was still in the house. In the end, the father sold the house. He spent the money on alcohol. Timur and his mother had to live on the street, where they stole because of hunger.
After a while, Timur's mother was arrested by the police and sent to prison. Little Timur was then sent to an orphanage.
Timur is just one of the boys we help in Kyrgyzstan. After many years in an orphanage, it's important that he gets a chance to get through life better than his parents.
That's why there are Christians who care for boys like Timur and give them hope by helping them in their everyday lives. They are given a safe place to live and support to get an education.
I'm writing to you today because our boys' project in Kyrgyzstan is currently in a desperate situation. They need funds to help Timur and the other boys move forward in life.
Gifts from Danish European Mission donors have previously helped Timur and other boys to get security, care and a place to stay for a while. But right now there are just no more funds available, which is why I am writing this letter.
It is so crucial that these boys are not left behind as their future is being shaped. Without love, support and a place to live, Timur risks ending up on the streets - where he once walked with his mother with no prospects.
Sincerely yours
Henrik Due Jensen
PS: Thank you for your gift to boys like Timur. Your gift will mean that Timur and other vulnerable boys can continue to receive care, a safe place to live and help with their education. Even though Timur and the other boys are separated from their parents and the past has left its mark - your help can help ensure that he doesn't end up on the streets now with no prospects for the future.