Remember to say thank you

We are encouraged here to say thank you in all circumstances. That's quite an invitation! No matter how we feel, what we feel and think, we are encouraged to thank God.

By Henry Kristensen

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What happens when we say thank you to someone else? Jo, We get the attention away from ourselves and onto the one we are thanking. We get to see ourselves as the, who receives - we get the right perspective on our lives. For me it is little word thank you is the most important word in my prayer life. It keeps our focus on him, who through his death and resurrection for us has set us free.

Our Christian brothers and sisters are a great testimony to us here. Despite persecution and much adversity, they are persevering in prayer and thanksgiving to vor Lord Jesus. And they pray for those who persecute them, that they too may come to know the Savior. Yes, de encourages us to to do the same. We can learn a lot from them.

In today's Denmark, we have vi had a lot of success, and materialism takes up so much space. Dand can easily get our focus. Here it is extremely important that we remember the small but important word: Tak.

I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to our many donors for your support for Dansk Europamission - it fills us with great humility in the board.

Henry Kristensen lives in Gludsted, is a farmer as well as member of the Danish Board of Directors of the European Commission.