At the end of October, 19 Danes visited Tajikistan. During the trip, the participants got close to local Christians, hearing their stories about how they came to faith, but also about the consequences this choice can have.
Tajikistan is the poorest of the countries in Central Asia and is located north of Afghanistan on the edge of the Himalayas. The trip participants experienced the wild nature and met people who receive help in the Danish European Mission's projects in the country.
"All the meetings with people made a big impression on me"
One of the participants was nurse Inge Skadkær Hansen from Værløse. Inge can understand why Peter and John in the Bible said to Jesus, 'let's build a hut' on the Mount of Transfiguration, because they didn't want to go back to everyday life again."That's a good example of how I feel after such a journey. I've asked myself why I went to Tajikistan. I've always loved reading books where people talk about their faith experiences. Therefore, hearing them talk about how they were transformed in the Christian faith also made an impression on me. In addition, the encounter with the women was also powerful. Instead of being broken by the past, they take up the fight and get something constructive going. All the meetings with people made a big impression on me."
Read also: Join us on an inspirational trip to Tajikistan June 2 to June 10, 2024
"These are precious memories for my husband and me"
Doris Christensen and her husband Jens Jacob are from Allerød. The experiences with the women are unique, says Doris: "We laughed together, spoke in different languages and took pictures of each other. When I see the pictures, I see the joy radiating from their eyes. You could feel the unity between them. It has filled my heart very much. One of the women gave me two beautiful earrings, which is the best gift I've received in a long time."
"These are precious memories for my husband and me because they radiate the hope they have been given. I want to take that with me because I think it's a great testimony. And then there are those who become Christians, where a woman says "I'm here now because I want to pass it on". I can live on that for a long time. I think it brings hope, but also reconciliation in the world, that we take such memories home with us and talk about them. It brings peace between the different peoples."
"The greatest experience for me was being in the mountains"
"In addition, it was exciting to share life with the others in the group during the trip. I think it was a good group, not least because of the common Christian frame of reference. Before I left, I was glad that it wasn't articulated that we were going to go down and teach our hosts something, but rather that we were going to get new inspiration. That was exactly the experience I had, that they gave me many reflections to take home in relation to my life in Denmark. my life in Denmark. Among other things, it was very moving to see how they live out their faith, despite the consequences it can have in their lives."
New trip to Tajikistan coming in May or June 2024
Do you want to meet Christians facing persecution and discrimination - and see how they share God's love with those in need? Or do you want to know more? Then write to tour leader Palle Flyger by email: