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"God used Andrew's preaching to bring hope and healing to people for whom life is dark and sad" 

Andrew Brunson shared his gripping testimony of his two years in Turkish prison at the 2023 Danish Summer Games.

By Samuel

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Norine and Andrew Brunson were in Denmark this summer, where Andrew shared his gripping testimony of his two years in Turkish prison at PlusOase, UngCamp at Mørkholt Bibelcamping, SommerOase and Sommerstævnet at Lindenborg. 

A struggle with faith

In prison, under false accusations for his faith, Andrew experienced mental breakdown. He doubted God, couldn't feel God's presence and contemplated suicide. But God restored Andrew and is using him to bring hope and healing to people who have struggled with faith and life. That's why the Danish European Mission invited Andrew and his wife Norine to Denmark this summer.

Bjarke Brondbjerg holds a Master of Theology from the University of Copenhagen and is a youth consultant in Inner Mission Youth. He was the leader of Indre Missions UngCamp at Mørkholt Bibelcamping, where more than 1000 young people participated. He tells us: "What I'm left with is Andrew's realism in the encounter with suffering. That realism was really nice to bring into the context of UngCamp. For example, we had a powerful testimony of a girl who had been miraculously healed after many years of increasing blindness in both eyes. It's a very gratifying testimony, but it's also important to ask what we do if we struggle with illness. God has not forgotten us." 

"That's what I call cross theology. Jesus himself suffered when he went to the cross. At UngCamp, the participants were figuratively on a mountain top in the Christian community, with worship, witnessing and teaching. But when they return home, they can also experience valleys where they encounter hard things in life. And there, Andrew's testimony can remind them that it's okay. God's love and goodness to us is unchanging, even when we suffer, are sick or struggle with faith," says the youth consultant.

Watch the video: Evening meeting by Norine and Andrew Brunson

Hopeful in the midst of suffering and doubt 

Keld Dahlman, Secretary General of Dansk Oase, led the Summer Oasis and says: "Andrew Brunson was a guest speaker at this year's Summer Oasis, and despite a few thousand people attending the meeting in the big tent, there was an intense silence during Andrew's story of doubting and struggling with faith in the face of persecution."

"Harrowing, believable and, in the midst of it all, deeply hopeful for those who, like Andrew, need to be found by God in the midst of suffering and doubt."

John Nielsen, General Secretary of the Evangelical Free Church, says: "A person like Andrew gives perspective on the greater Christendom, that we have siblings who pay a price for their faith. It's healthy to get that perspective. Andrew was able to turn his story into preaching, and we received several pieces of feedback that it touched people who are struggling with life. By emphasizing that God is there, even if he is not always felt, God used Andrew's preaching to bring hope to people who are struggling and for whom life is dark and sad."

The decision to follow Jesus

Henri Nissen helped organize PlusOase. Henri is a writer and was for many years editor at Udfordringen. He says: "We were very happy to have both Norine and Andrew Brunson visit Plus-Oase. Andrew spoke powerfully to us and many people bought his book afterwards because they were touched by his message of deciding to follow Jesus. He was not just an entertaining public speaker, but a serious and authentic Christian. One of the heroes of our time."

Buy Andrew Brunson's book: God's Hostage

Facts and figures 

Andrew became world famous when he spent two years in Turkish prison and became a pawn in a grand political game with Turkey and the US. During his imprisonment, the Danish European Mission provided prayer topics and facilitated Danes to appeal to the Turkish authorities for acquittal. 

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