North Korea

Emergency aid and development projects, Emergency aid for Christians at risk of harassment, discrimination and persecution

Thank you letter from the underground church in North Korea

By the editorial team

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We have received greetings from the underground church in North Korea with thanks for medicine. The North Korean healthcare system is often short of medicine, so the help meets a great need. The recipients are underground Christians, but they also share with non-Christians who they trust not to reveal them to the authorities. In this way, the church can demonstrate God's love in a practical way in probably the world's worst dictatorship.  

The medicine is used for dysentery, diarrhea, tuberculosis, influenza and other infectious diseases, rheumatoid arthritis and colds. Dietary supplements are also handed out. 

Excerpts from the letter: Your support and care always strengthens the North Korean church. We dedicate ourselves to follow the path of hope, towards the cross of Jesus that shines like a beacon in the night. 

Although the economic situation is very difficult, we in the underground church are doing our best to keep the faith of the remnant of believers that remain. Because of our experience in ministry, we will overcome all difficulties and efficiently transport and deliver the supplies.  

Now I would like to conclude this confirmation of receipt of the goods and say thank you. I pray that you will be filled with God's grace and blessing. 

I wish you a blessed time of amazing grace, joy, peace and mercy in Christ. I pray that all may be safe and well in Christ. 

- A North Korean church leader

Support North Korea: Medicine and food for Christians and others in need