
Media Mission

Five stories of Turks who came to faith in Jesus through Christian programs on TV and social media

A follow-up team is on hand to answer questions and help spiritual seekers. Here are testimonials from some of the many people who contact the team.

By the editorial team

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Tv-shonor Forgave childhood sexual abuse

"Mehmet and I were miserable from the day we got married. We had so many health problems and the doctors couldn't help us even though they tried different treatments. We had a daughter and later a son, although neither my husband nor I wanted children. We didn't feel ready for it. We were very unhappy. To numb the pain, we both slowly slipped into alcohol and drug abuse.

But here's the good news: My husband and I have both experienced salvation in Jesus Christ! After all these years, we have been healed mentally and Jesus has removed our longing for dust.

As a child, my husband was sexually abused by an relative. Men Jesus has filled Mehmet so strongly with his love that he a day declared: I have forgiven him! I no longer feel the pain. I will tell him that! And he did. In fact, years ago, my husband had explained in detail to his abuser about his plans to kill him. But after encountering God's kingdom and unfathomable love in Jesus, he told Mehmet him now that heInstead, his heart was filled with forgiveness and love and that he wanted their relationship to be restored."

In fact, years ago, my husband had explained in detail to his abuser about his plans to kill him.

The follow-up team says that that Mehmet would like to share her testimony on TV. The couple, which comes from eastern Turkey, have already started a Bible study group in their home. It was very overwhelming and powerful for the teamas the reading parrets story for the first time. Please pray for this family to grow in faith.

Newly Christian Turkish family learns to read the Bible on their own

A member of the follow-up team explains: "We regularly share Bible verses on social media. This viewer was one of those who responded, hoping to connect with believers. He wrote: 'We want to become Christians.' We answered: 'Thet It's one thing to become a Christian, it's another to know Christ.' To that he replied: 'Let's not write together - let's talk face to face.'

After some great conversations I offered him that I could visit him and his family in Istanbul. He agreed. Two days later I visited them with two other Christians. Tv-sThe owner, his wife and their 17-year-old son welcomed us warmly. They also offered us something to eat and drink. Then we asked them: 'What are your spiritual needs? We will share God's word with you based on your needs.' When they had shared their situation, we recommended Genesis chapter 3 and we started going through the Bible text together. Our purpose was actually to show them that in this way be able to study God's ord as a family. The caught Quickly ideasand they were excited about this form of Bible study. They even suggested that they should do it every week - either alone or with others.

The woman is blessed with a very analytical mindset. The man has traveled a lot abroad and is On the whole, he is well-informed and perceptive. The son is immersed in his studies and hopes to go to university. When we were leaving, they told us: 'We want to know the Lord Jesus Christ and we will let his words change Bone.'"

Akram now dare to go to church in public - after 10 years som Christian

"I came to faith in Jesus Christ ten years ago through your channel. Now I'm ready to start a church with other believers in our city. And I mean a public Congregation. Your channel has helped me grow all these years. Your channel has put me in touch with those who are now helping me take this big step."

Through digital media, seekers can safely learn more about the Bible.

The family outcast Hashem, because he became a Christian

"I went to my mom's village. I do that from time to time to help out with small and big things. But my relatives had heard about my faith. They stopped me from coming to the village and said I should never come back. They said disgusting things about me. I keep asking God to open a door so I can visit my mother's village again."

Aydin felt God's peace on the phone

"Before I started watching your channel, my life was a mess. But now I've changed my mind. I want to change. I hope the books you sent will help me on the right path. When you prayed for me on the phone, I felt peace."

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