Sri Lanka

Bible smuggling and translation

Sri Lankan Christians satisfied their hunger for the Bible

Christians in Sri Lanka have a great longing to read God's Word, but Bibles are expensive for poor local Christians. I recently participated in a trip to Sri Lanka organized by the Danish European Mission to do something about the problem.

By the editorial team

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Photos: Jeeva's family with the two 'miracle children' and Samanthi with her own and her son's new Bibles.

Church growth means a great need for Bibles

A group of young people were in Sri Lanka to distribute Bibles to poor Christians. We experienced great openness, hospitality and, not least, gratitude for the Bibles that Danish European Mission donors have funded. The need for Bibles is largely due to the fact that the church in Sri Lanka is growing. Many people meet Jesus because through the pastor and the church they miraculously experience healing from illness, deliverance from addiction and restoration of families.

Family had stillborn children - asked God for living children

One of the families we met who received Bibles was previously Hindu. The family became Christians three years ago, and the time before that had been tumultuous for the family as they had two stillborn children. According to the father, Jeeva, this was because he was cursed by a Hindu curse. Jeeva visited Hindu temples to remove the curse, but nothing helped. The family went to the church and prayed for living children. They gave their lives to Jesus and now have two 'miracle children', as Jeeva calls them. The family now also has Bibles in their own language. "Now I have a Bible and can get to know Jesus better," he said.

Can now get to know Jesus

Another happy Bible recipient we met was a woman named Samanthi from a church near the town of Puttalam. She had been having some personal problems, after which she was visited by the pastor from the church. The visit with the pastor ended with her giving her life to Jesus, but she has been without a Bible ever since.

"What I have received today is priceless. Now my son and I can get to know Christ better," said Samanthi.

For me, meeting the Sri Lankan Christians has been very rewarding. First and foremost, it is encouraging to hear the many testimonies of conversions, healings and miracles. The Christians' great joy in the Bible and their gratitude is also inspiring to experience for a Christian from rich Denmark who takes many things for granted.