Sri Lanka


Travel with us to Sri Lanka

"It is a great encouragement for the Sri Lankan Christians when Christians from Denmark visit and help the church," says our project coordinator Monroe Jayasuriya.

By the editorial team

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Persecuted Christians need help and the knowledge that they are not alone! If you want to travel and make a difference for persecuted and impoverished Christians, you now have the opportunity to help our brothers and sisters in Sri Lanka!

Read more about the persecution in Sri Lanka Here.

In Sri Lanka, many Christians not only face persecution. They are also so poor that they cannot afford a Bible. On the trip, we will visit churches where Bibles are needed and distribute them to the Christians.

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Due to the poverty in Sri Lanka, some pastors are considering finding better paid work. We will therefore visit such pastors and help in an income-generating project where cows, chickens and goats are distributed to poor Christians so they can start their own business.

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This summer was Three Danish girls in Sri Lanka to distribute Bibles to the persecuted Christians. It was a great experience for them to meet and help and encourage the persecuted Christians. Read the article about their experiences Here.

What does it require of you?

  • That you have a desire to help and encourage persecuted Christians and want to participate in the work the team will do on the trip.
  • You must be between 18 and 35 years old.
  • The trip is in week 7 (Feb 13 to 20) 2016.
  • The price is 6,500 and covers all costs of the trip.

Read more about the journey in this brochure...

If you have any questions about the trip or want to join us, write to tour leader Elisabeth Poulsen or call +45 44 44 13 13 13 to find out more.