Sri Lanka

Bible smuggling and translation

Three friends from Denmark hand out Bibles during their vacation in Sri Lanka

Jacoba, Nicoline and Heidi met expectant Christians in Sri Lanka when they gave them Bibles from Danish European Mission donors. Everyone was eager to get to read their Bible.

By Samuel

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Thursday, July 9, was the day we had agreed to meet with the person responsible for one of the projects that Danish European Mission supports in Sri Lanka. In the project, poor Christians receive Bibles - Christians who are so poor that they cannot afford a Bible.

In the church we arrived at, people were happy and open. Everyone in attendance was dressed in their best and most beautiful clothes to receive the Bible that the Danish European Mission's donors had ensured they could get.

Image: The three friends Nicoline, Jacoba and Heidi spent some of their vacation in Sri Lanka handing out Bibles.

Several of the Christians told how they only had one Bible in their family and that it was now so worn that it was no longer possible to read it because the pages were falling apart.

Walked two hours to read the Bible

The pastor's wife also told us how one man who came to the church had walked two hours every day to come and read the Bible. We had no doubt that the joy of the new Bible was great among the Christians in Sri Lanka. Because as one man told us: "It is not optimal to live as a Christian without a Bible".

Sri Lankans convert from Buddhism

Many of the Christians in this church had converted from Buddhism; all because someone had told them the gospel. One said that she and her husband had come to faith by seeing their children's eagerness to read the Bible. Another told how a relative had shared the gospel with him and now the whole family had become Christians.

Thank you to everyone who has ensured that poor Sri Lankan Christians can get a Bible

Facts: Sadly, many also shared how they had experienced being harassed, ostracized or looked down upon by family and friends around them because of their faith in Jesus.

It costs around DKK 40 to ensure that a poor Sri Lankan Christian can get a Bible.

Support Sri Lanka: Bibles for poor Christians