Results 2012

What results are created when you invest in the work of the Danish European Mission?

Secret projects

For security reasons, we cannot mention in which countries these secret projects take place or describe in detail the nature of the work.

More generally, the Danish European Mission has in 2012:

  • Ensured that thousands of Bible parts have been smuggled into a closed country.
  • Implemented income-generating projects for persecuted Christians in a closed country. This strengthens their finances so they can stay in the country and help their brothers and sisters there - instead of having to leave for better paying jobs in other countries.
  • Provided Christians with support to participate in networking forums. Through this forum, they are equipped and encouraged to continue their work even under persecution.

Vulnerable women in a Muslim country

  • Around 100 women who have been subjected to violence and oppression, sexual slavery and prostitution received help in 2012 with support from the Danish European Mission. The women have access to the following help: 1) Shelter, 2) Medical care, 3) Advocacy, 4) Pastoral care, 5) Job training.


Children and widows received practical help in South India

  • Orphanage children have been fed, educated, clothed and sheltered in South India.
  • Children of lepers have been able to go to school.


Christians in the country are arrested for their faith in Jesus Christ, but they have a burning desire to spread the Gospel.

  • In 2012, donors to the Danish European Mission secured the printing and distribution of approximately 1280 New Testaments.
  • Danish European Mission donors have secured financial support for Christians who have lost their jobs because they refused to deny their faith.
  • In addition, support has been given to Christians who have been arrested to receive pastoral care and counseling so they can move on with their lives.


  • The first aid to poor families was sent to our partner at the end of 2012. They have since distributed bags of food to some of the country's most vulnerable families with children, where illness and abuse make life particularly difficult for the children.
  • In 2012, support was given to Christian rehabilitation work among drug addicts, alcoholics and homeless people in a part of Kazakhstan that is characterized by great social need.
  • Not only can these vulnerable people get a new life through the project, but the authorities can also see how people's lives are transformed. In doing so, the authorities may realize that accepting the Gospel of Jesus Christ and aligning society with the words of the Bible can only make a positive difference in their country.



Help for former orphans in Kyrgyzstan

  • In 2012, the Danish European Mission has helped 10 young girls in Kyrgyzstan with support for their stay at the "Oak House" home. They are former orphanage children. At "Oak House" they receive Christian care and encouragement to complete a secondary education, while being professionally equipped to become self-sufficient. Several of the girls have experienced coming to faith in Jesus through their participation in the project. The girls have also been provided with rabbits, which they love. However, these rabbits do not generate much profit, which is why new initiatives are being considered for the future.
  • The Danish European Mission has also supported eight former orphanage boys in 2012.
  • In addition, support has been given to a summer camp.

Middle East and North Africa

  • Thousands of people in the Muslim world have brought the Gospel into their homes via SAT-7 TV with support from the Danish European Mission.

North Korea and North Koreans escaped to China

Christians in North Korea received medicine, food and clothing

  • Packages of medicine have been smuggled into North Korea. The medicine helps older, physically weak Christians in particular to train young leaders and thus equip a new generation to take responsibility for the persecuted church in the country. At the end of 2012, support was also sent to purchase food and clothing for the underground church in North Korea.

Stateless children in China received shelter and Christian care

  • In 2012, the Danish European Mission has helped support more than 50 children, most of whom have been abandoned by their mothers. Seven children have received full-time support and 50 have received partial support.
    Their mothers have been tragically separated from their children because they have been sent back to North Korea by the Chinese authorities. Some women are also separated from their children because they feel compelled to flee China.
    The help means that the children can receive care, education, help with daily necessities and a loving introduction to Jesus and the Bible.



560 girls gained access to sewing school training

  • 560 girls attended sewing school in 2012 in Pakistan. In total, 6,918 girls have accessed sewing training in the last 8 years. As a result of the training, many girls are earning significantly more by being seamstresses, helping to feed their families; and most importantly, the girls have been freed from slavery.
  • 635 poor children, primarily from the Christian minority, received support for schooling in 2012. They are equipped to succeed in Pakistani society. The result is better job opportunities, a better future and the prevention of crime and a negative life course.

Establishing schools

  • With support from DANIDA, administered by the Danish Mission Council's Development Department, the Danish European Mission has continued a school project in Faisalabad, Pakistan, which began in 2010. In 2012, 225 children from the poorest strata of the population attended the school.
  • With support from DANIDA, administered by the Danish Mission Council's Development Department, the second year of the school project in Youhanabad, where over 340 poor children receive schooling, was completed.

Christian youth camp in Pakistan

  • In 2012, the Danish European Mission supported 128 young people in Pakistan to attend a Christian camp held in November 2012. "God touched my heart miraculously and attending this youth camp is a great experience in my life." says one of the participants.

Support for orphanage in Lahore

  • Around 85 girls have been provided with clothes, shoes, food and support for the day-to-day running of the orphanage in Lahore. Many of the girls have suffered severe abuse before being given shelter and care at the home.
  • A home for blind girls also received help in 2012. They are particularly vulnerable because they are unable to defend themselves against abuse due to their lack of sight.

Sri Lanka


Poor Christians in Sri Lanka received Bibles and livestock

  • Bibles in Sinhala and Tamil for Christians affected by civil war have been distributed. The recipients of the Bibles cannot afford to buy one themselves.
  • Poor families have received livestock that can help generate income to put food on the table for them and their families.
  • Victims of a cyclone in April 2012 have received aid. The funds for this relief work came when the Danish European Mission received a grant from the Danish Mission Council's development department.


  • The Danish European Mission continuously focuses on the harsh living conditions faced by millions of persecuted Christians. We are a mouthpiece for the world's persecuted Christians, for example through the magazine "Danish European Mission", the website, the Facebook page and various news media, meetings in churches and mission centers and other initiatives to promote the cause.
  • The Danish European Mission has also supported various work in Denmark that helps to promote the spread of the Gospel.
  • Project monitoring: We are in regular contact with our partners and visit the projects to see for ourselves that the aid is reaching its destination.