In the service of the mission

The Bible has made no secret of the fact that persecution against Christians will increase throughout church history.

By Søren Skovgaard Sørensen

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Christian persecutions are among the signs mentioned in Luke 21, which are meant to reveal the end times period before Jesus' return. As the mission has spread, I myself have experienced these tensions in Eastern Ethiopia.

It is horrible to see the hatred against Christians growing in and to the extent that it is happening around the world. But despite sorrow and compassion, let us emphasize Jesus' own words from Luke 21:17ff. You shall be hated by all because of my name. But not a hair of your head shall be lost. By persevering, you shall win your lives. 

DNew Christians (i Middle East and Central Asia)swhether encountering the gospel through radio, media or personal missionaries, liver often In pursuitSituations. Dherefore, the persecuted Christians have a great need for To know about our prayers and label our continued compassion through media and sending missionaries. 

I am constantly met with amazement Faces from The modern Dane, when they hear that we are still shipping Missionaries out in the world. For many, it is a ancient phenomenon. Development aid is understandable, but the fact that missionaries are still being sent out with the Gospel is is just a story

Men vi Christian liver not by bread alone, but by the word of God (Matthew 4:4). The word that we in Denmark can freely share with each otherOthers find it quite difficult to connect to. And as Christians, we have one withresponsibility for is shared. Because we are in Common in faith - regardless of language barriers or national borders. In addition we hasten the coming of the Lord by preaching the gospel to all nations. 

We should not be silent about the great cost of following Jesus. But by persevering, we must win our lives. How do we persevere when we are scared and small? Well, we do it by finding our foothold withoutfor ourselves. According to Jesus, the persevering are those who hear the word and keep it. They are persevering and will bear eternal fruit (Luke 8:15). And when shall resurrection power Once again Conquer death on the day of life! The is needed, that vi continue to transmitr The gospel out - in a multitude of ways

Søren Skovgaard Sørensen is Secretary General of Lutheran Mission 
