
Emergency aid and development projects

Anna saw body parts from neighbors who had not made it to the shelter

Anna's apartment block in Kharkiv, Ukraine was destroyed by a Russian missile, she says: "Those were the most horrible and hardest days of my life."

By Jonas Mølgaard

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"We spent 10 days in shelters, sometimes without electricity. It was the most horrible and hardest days of my life," Anna says of the time during the attack. "We only went out to make breakfast." One morning, Anna saw body parts of neighbors who hadn't made it into the shelter.

"My soul found peace"

Anna arrived in the city of Poltava a little further away from the front, where volunteers from the Church of the Light of Life, which Danish European Mission improvers and donors support, helped Anna with a new place to live and gave her food. Anna started going to church and talking to the pastors and members. "My soul found peace," she says, "and the fear and uncertainty left me." At one point, the pastor invited people to accept Jesus as their savior. Anna said "Yes". "My life has been changed since then. I feel peace knowing that God will not leave me."

Distributing food parcels to people in need in Ukraine

Support has made a difference!

Due to the generous support of Danish European Mission's intercessors and donors in 2022, a number of local churches were able to distribute 6,184 food parcels to internally displaced Ukrainians. 200 people have received electric thermal blankets, and 500 children have received Christmas gifts of sweets and other items. Many have also received a copy of the New Testament or Christian literature. The church in Poltava has also received support for the purchase of diesel so that it could visit those in need. 

Support Ukraine: emergency aid during war
