If leaders are not rooted in the Bible, young churches risk falling into theological bias or unhealthy practices. The board of the Danish European Mission has just approved a new project where 20 leaders in Central Asia can earn a bachelor's degree over 4½ years.
Since 2015, donors to the Danish European Mission have ensured that over 60 pastors in Central Asia have received a basic theological education, either at diploma or bachelor's level. The leaders are not sent to the West to study, as the risk is that they will be attracted by the economic prosperity and not return to their home country. Instead, they are taught in modules of six weeks of intensive study twice a year, as well as self-study, so leaders can stay in ministry and continually apply what they learn. Pastors are also taught leadership, pastoral care, ethics, finances and other topics so that the ministry can be built on a sound foundation. The response from both pastors and congregations has been very positive.
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