Anegrete Mariotti attended the meeting in Copenhagen. She describes the meeting as follows: "Inspiring and enlightening - we got an in-depth insight into the situation in Syria, both politically and militarily, and the work of the Danish European Mission." Anegrete ends with a smile: "I hope it doesn't come across as me sucking up to the Danish European Mission, but I am very impressed with the work".
Henry Kristiansen was there in Silkeborg. He tells us: "It was an exciting lecture by the Iranian speaker. He and his spouse really had something they wanted to share. They talked about how they had come to faith in Jesus, and about how Muslims today come to faith and the conditions they have to live under. There are also great opportunities for us in Denmark, as many refugees are coming here. There is much need for prayer."
Henry finishes: "It was also an exciting presentation from the young people. They talked about their trip to Sri Lanka during the winter break and what the experience had meant to them and their faith."
Det er med stor taknemmelighed vi ser tilbage på møderne fortæller kommunikations- og projektchef i Dansk Europamission, Samuel. Han siger: "On Sunday morning I received a call from a man who had attended the meeting in Silkeborg, where Behrang and his wife Nadia shared their testimony and how thousands of Muslims are converting from Islam to the Christian faith in Iran. The man said he was very encouraged to hear their testimony and to meet two passionate Christians".
Samuel concludes: "I find it encouraging that the participants not only gained insight into the situation in the Middle East and the work of the Danish European Mission, but that the rich spiritual life of Christians in the Middle East became an enrichment for Christians in Denmark."