
Emergency aid and development projects

Ashkan* and Karim* in Afghanistan are secretly Christian

Ashkan* is a secret Christian and holds a leadership position in an Afghan institution. When the Danish European Mission's partner visits him, he wants to read the Bible, talk and pray.

By Samuel

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Carefully, he closes the doors because he wants to prevent his coworkers from noticing what he is doing, just in case. He retrieves the Bible from a hiding place and soon he's talking about his everyday needs.

Ashkan's* wife is working against him

His wife doesn't know that he believes in the God of the Bible and pressures him because he doesn't go to the mosque often enough. She has already left him once with their children. Ashkan's fear that she will do it again when he professes his Christian faith to her is great. Despite this, he occasionally tells his children stories from the Bible. He does this very carefully and when his wife does not hear it.

Ashkan needs our prayers

In his everyday life at work, he holds himself back and lives out his faith through servanthood. Ashkan asks for your prayers that in this environment he can be strong and experience God's protection anew daily.

Karim* finds Jesus

Karim is also an Afghan who has accepted Jesus as his savior. The young man tells us: "When the Taliban took Kabul in 1996, I left my homeland. I lived abroad for several years, where I visited a church out of curiosity."

"I was so touched by the kindness, joy and praise that I agreed to be prayed for. About a week later, I started reading the Bible and was overwhelmed by my feelings and I sensed something dark leaving me and a great joy came over me." Karim had meanwhile returned to his home country and found Christian friends there.

Not even their immediate family members know they are Christians. It's simply too dangerous to admit it. All the more, these followers of Jesus need our prayers and support.

Please pray for Afghanistan and the Afghan Christians. Pray that they will have the strength and boldness - also to spread hope in a country plagued by poverty and poor health.

Also support our health project in the country, where poor people receive medical care.

Support Afghanistan: Medical care for the poor

*Names have been changed for security reasons.