Henrik Due Jensen has been editor of a magazine publication for the last time. As of January 1, he will leave his position at the Danish European Mission to take up the position as headmaster of Gideonskolen, the Christian independent school in Vallensbæk. It is strange for the rest of us in the organization to be without "Henrik Due" on a daily basis, and the news of his resignation came as a bit of a shock - of course tempered with joy on his behalf that he had been entrusted with his new task for the benefit of the rising generation.
"Henrik Due" - we had to call him that when there were two Henriks in the office - joined the Danish European Mission in 1994. Right from the start, he showed a versatile talent, not least for what we now call information technology. Back then it was still called EDP. He registered the incoming gifts in our electronic register of donors' names, but he also traveled to the mission areas and to mission conferences early on, among other things together with Hans Kristian Neerskov. Therefore, he had a good sense of both mission work and contact with our many donors.
He trained himself in fundraising, and from 1997 he really began to develop his skills in this area. Over the years, many friends of the Mission have received letters from him encouraging them to give to specific projects that have benefited persecuted Christians and many other people in need in the countries where we work. Without Henrik Dove's efforts and the contributions that donors have responded by giving, many people would not have received nearly as much help as they have. As editor of the Danish European Mission magazine, he also left his decisive mark on it. Development and dynamism have characterized everything Henrik Due has been involved with! We have also benefited from his versatile talent when he sat down at the piano and accompanied the community singing during our annual meetings - and sometimes accompanied his wife, Annette, when she sang solo.
Everyone in Danish European Mission, not least myself, owes Henrik Due Jensen many thanks for the great efforts he has made over the years to provide "help to the persecuted and the gospel to all" - a motto that he himself helped create, by the way! We wish Henrik Due Jensen God's rich blessing on the next chapter of his life as a servant in the Lord's vineyard