There are reports of people being beheaded, crucified and tortured to death. Children also suffer death through no fault of their own simply because they belong to the Christian minority.
The church reaches out to those in need
That's why we have launched a relief operation for the needy Christians in Iraq, providing refugees with food, medicine, clothing, water and shelter.
In our project, relief is provided through the church in Iraq. The church in Iraq also provides help to other displaced people. Although the Iraqi Christians are under extreme pressure, it is touching to see that they are not only thinking of themselves, but reaching out to others in desperate need and providing hope. Thank you for providing relief to our Christian brothers and sisters and others in need.
It costs around DKK 550 to feed an Iraqi refugee family with food, medicine, clothing and water for a month.
Also, please pray for them as they go through cruel suffering - just because they are Christians.
Help is urgently needed to reach the persecuted Christians in Iraq. Many have had to flee their homes and have only the clothes on their backs. Your help is desperately needed. Thank you for any gift you can give to those in need in Iraq. They need to know that they are not alone in this desperate situation. Also, thank you for praying for them and for the country and region.