Sri Lanka

Bible smuggling and translation

For over 10 years we longed for a Bible. Thank you for making our dream come true

'- R.D. Ranaweera, Sri Lanka Many of Danish European Mission's donors have supported the distribution of Bibles to poor and persecuted Christians in Sri Lanka.

By Samuel

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Top image: A happy recipient of Bibles

Although years of civil war have ended, many Sri Lankans, including Christians, still struggle to earn enough to make ends meet. That's why the gratitude is palpable among the recipients of the 5,000 Sinhala and Tamil Bibles that have been distributed.

Danish European Mission has received these testimonies after the distribution of the Bibles:

Couldn't afford a Bible

"I became a Christian 10 years ago and learned about Jesus from our pastor at Sunday services and Bible studies. I wanted to read the Bible and learn more about Jesus. To do that, I had to have my own Bible. However, I couldn't afford one. I used to travel five kilometers daily to go to church just to read the Bible and get to know God's Word. My family was also thirsty for the Word, but had to wait until Sunday to read the Bible and hear the Word.

I am a day laborer earning about 14 kr. a day, have to put food on the table for my family and was not able to buy a Bible. It was a dream come true when our family got our very own Bible. The feeling was incredible! For over 10 years we longed for a Bible. Thank you for making our dream come true. I am eternally grateful." R.D. Ranaweera

A wonderful gift

"It's been 20 years since we started the service. It has been 20 very hard years, struggling with threats, enduring violent attacks and poverty. Those who are part of our church live in poverty but are completely surrendered to Jesus. Overall, our congregation only owns 2-3 Bibles. Therefore, the majority do not have access to a Bible or to study God's Word. They have to walk miles to get to church and read the Bible.

Image right: Christians in Sri Lanka

It's a hindrance to their spiritual growth, and it also prevents them from sharing the Gospel with their loved ones. This is the first time they have received such a wonderful gift - Bibles! Every single one of them has longed for Bibles for years, but couldn't afford to buy one. We are a small church and serve in very hostile areas. Receiving the gift of Bibles from you is a milestone in the history and growth of our church. I am confident that these Bibles will help each and every one in our church to follow Jesus more closely and fulfill His mission. I want to take this opportunity to thank you. We pray for you daily - may God bless you always"  Pastor K.J.R. Jayatissa, on behalf of his congregation.