Results 2013

What results are created when you invest in the work of the Danish European Mission?

By Henrik Due Jensen and Samuel Nymann Eriksen


In 2013, the Danish European Mission has sent support to Azerbaijan, which has gone to:

  • Helping preach the Gospel and teach the Christian faith to children and young people.
  • Diakonia work among weak and vulnerable groups in society.
  • Vocational training for poor youth.

Secret projects

For security reasons, we cannot mention in which countries these secret projects take place or describe in detail the nature of the work.

  • Several income-generating projects have been implemented for persecuted Christians in a closed country. This strengthens their economy so they can stay in the country and help their brothers and sisters there - instead of having to leave for better paying jobs in other countries.
  • Project workers in two countries who help vulnerable women have been supported to participate in a networking forum. This means they are equipped professionally and encouraged spiritually to continue their work - even during persecution.
  • Support for the translation of the Turkmen and Karakalpak Bible has continued in 2013. It is an extensive work that requires many years of perseverance. The translators must hide their work from the secret police as much as possible.
  • Christians in a Muslim country have received support so they can receive training in theology. This enables pastors to become qualified to provide sound Christian teaching.
  • The Danish European Mission has supported documentation of persecution and research into persecution. In addition to this, the Danish European Mission is active in various worldwide networks that focus on Christian persecution and mission in closed countries.
  • Danish European Mission provides support to persecuted Christians in need of legal assistance. Having the help of a skilled lawyer can be crucial to the verdict a Christian receives in court.

Vulnerable women in a Muslim country

  • Around 100 women who have been subjected to violence and oppression, sex slavery and prostitution are being restored and given a new life with support from the Danish European Mission. The women will have access to the following help: 1) Shelter, 2) Medical care, 3) Advocacy, 4) Pastoral care and 5) Job training.
  • The Danish European Mission has helped support the purchase of a shelter that can provide vulnerable women with a safe environment and the opportunity to get their lives back on track.


Children were given  Practical help in South India

  • Orphanage children have been fed, educated, clothed and sheltered in South India.
  • Children of lepers have been able to go to school.


Emergency aid for flood victims

  • 3,563 flood victims in Indonesia's capital, Jakarta, received aid. The Danish European Mission partner was on the ground helping the victims with food, water, medicine, house cleaning and repairs. The Danish European Mission sent support granted by the Danish Mission Council Development Department's emergency aid pool, which is funded by DANIDA and our good donors.


Persecuted Christian Iraqis have received support in 2013.


  • Approximately 6120 copies of the New Testament have been printed and published with the funds raised in the year 2013. Christians in the country are being arrested for their faith in Jesus Christ, but they have a burning desire to spread the Gospel.


  • With the help of Danish European Mission donors, around 20 vulnerable families with children receive food parcels once a week, as their parents' alcohol abuse makes life particularly difficult for the children.
  • In 2013, support was also given to Christian rehabilitation work among drug addicts, alcoholics and homeless people in a part of Kazakhstan that is characterized by great social need. The center received support to buy sheep that can be bred, so that the center can generate income for its work through the sale of sheep.
  • Not only can these vulnerable people get a new life through the project, but the authorities can also see how people's lives are transformed. In doing so, the authorities may realize that accepting the Gospel of Jesus Christ and aligning society with the words of the Bible can only make a positive difference in their country.



Help for former orphans in Kyrgyzstan

  • In 2013, Danish European Mission has helped 9 young girls in Kyrgyzstan with support for their stay at the home "Egehuset". They are former orphanage children. At "Oak House" they receive Christian care and encouragement to complete a secondary education, while being equipped professionally to become self-sufficient. Several of the girls have experienced coming to faith in Jesus through their participation in the project. In addition, the girls have been given rabbits, which they love, but these rabbits do not generate much income for Egehuset. Therefore, new initiatives are being considered for the future.
  • The Danish European Mission has also supported six former orphanage boys in 2013.
  • In collaboration with Civil Society Development (CISU), the Danish European Mission is implementing an agricultural project where the inhabitants of two villages learn to eat a varied diet and live healthy, so they can avoid diseases that until now have caused short life expectancy in the villages. The project is carried out by Christians who want to make a positive difference in society.
  • Our partner has also received support for a modern accounting program.

Middle East and North Africa

  • Thousands of people in the Muslim world have brought the Gospel into their homes via SAT-7 TV with support from the Danish European Mission.

North Korea

Christians in North Korea received medicine, food and clothing

  • Packages of medicine have been smuggled into North Korea. The medicine will help older, physically weak Christians in particular to train young leaders and thus equip a new generation to take responsibility for the persecuted church in the country. In addition, support has been given to purchase food and clothing for the underground church in North Korea.

North Koreans on the run

  • North Korea remains the worst country in the world when it comes to persecuting Christians. Hundreds of thousands of political enemies have ended up in the country's concentration camps, where they are tortured to death with hard labor. The Danish European Mission has helped 17 North Koreans escape from China to safe third countries. If they are not helped, they are in danger of being sent back to North Korea where they risk the death penalty, torture and imprisonment.


Sewing school2013

440 girls gained access to sewing school training

  • 440 girls attended sewing school in 2013 in Pakistan. In total, 7,358 girls have gained access to sewing training in the last 9 years. Young women are thus helped out of slavery-like situations and trained as seamstresses. The result so far is that many girls are earning significantly more by becoming seamstresses, helping to feed their families; and most importantly, the girls are out of slavery.


  • 30 poor children from the Christian minority receive schooling in Punjab. This equips them to succeed in Pakistani society. The result can be better job opportunities, a better future and prevent a negative life course. The students live in school hostels where they receive room and board.

Establishing schools

  • With support from DANIDA, administered by the Danish Mission Council's Development Department, the Danish European Mission has completed a school project in Faisalabad, Pakistan, which began in 2010. In 2013, around 300 children from the poorest strata of the population attended the school.

Sri Lanka

Poor Christians in Sri Lanka received Bibles and livestock

  • Bibles in Sinhala and Tamil for Christians affected by civil war have been distributed. The Christians themselves cannot afford to buy a Bible.
  • In addition, poor families have received livestock to help generate an income to put food on the table for them and their families.

Emergency aid for flood victims

  • 24,304 people received aid. In Sri Lanka, the monsoon rains struck relentlessly hard. Therefore, the Danish European Mission sent aid granted by the Danish Mission Council Development Department's emergency relief fund, which is financed by DANIDA, in early January 2013, and subsequently additional aid was sent to the victims donated by Danish European Mission donors.



Syrian refugees

  • Approximately 2500 victims have received support from the Danish European Mission. Support has been sent to Syrian refugees in Jordan in the form of relief supplies, such as clothes, shoes, food and blankets, to comfort Syrians in the midst of a very traumatic period in their country's history.


  • In 2013, the Danish European Mission sent support to Turkey to reach guest workers from Muslim Central Asia with the Gospel message. Guest workers often work under harsh conditions in Turkey, and there are examples of young women who end up in prostitution. Therefore, this is a unique opportunity to bring the message of Jesus to these people in Turkey.


  • The Danish European Mission continuously focuses on the harsh living conditions faced by millions of persecuted Christians. We are a mouthpiece for the world's persecuted Christians, for example through the magazine "Danish European Mission", the website, the Facebook page and various news media, meetings in churches and mission centers and other initiatives to promote the cause.
  • Danish European Mission supports work in Denmark that promotes the spread of the Gospel. Danish European Mission also tries to inspire young people who are in education to get involved in mission. This is done, among other things, by employees visiting various events in Denmark where there are opportunities to engage young people in mission.
  • Project monitoring: We are regularly in contact with various partners and visit the projects to see for ourselves that the help is getting through.