Help for self-help originates from the Bible

"It is better to give a poor man a fishing rod than a fish". This is a popular saying that puts the difference between charity and self-help into perspective. 

By Samuel

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In fact, the help-yourself approach originates from the Bible. I 5. Deuteronomy 8:18 it says: "Remember the Lord your God; it is he who gives you power to create wealth, for he will keep the covenant he swore to your fathers, as he does today." 

Interestingly, it doesn't say that God will give his people money, but "the power to create wealth". And this is exactly what happens when Danes through the Danish European Mission's projects enable persecuted, poor Christians to become self-sufficient. Christians in North Korea, Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and two other countries, which we cannot name here for security reasons, have been helped to help themselves over the past two years.

In the projects, the needy do not receive money month after month, which would make them dependent on aid from Denmark. Instead, sewing schools are established where poor women are trained to become independent seamstresses, and poor Christians are given cows, goats and chickens that they can breed and whose milk and eggs they can sell. Poor Christians can be given seeds so they can grow vegetables - and from these seeds they can sow again. Others are helped to start a small shop or catering business.

In this way, we more prosperous Christians in Denmark can provide practical self-help to persecuted and distressed Christians who may experience discrimination, skepticism and sometimes physical attacks in the communities they live in.

But the goal is not only to help persecuted Christians. The goal is also for persecuted Christians to be empowered to help other vulnerable people in their communities - and to be a testimony of the Gospel in word and deed. I 2. Corinthians 9:8 Paul says: "God is able to give you all grace in abundance, so that you may always have enough of everything in every way, and even abundance to do good."

Many thanks to everyone involved in the work.

Samuel is the Secretary General of the Danish European Mission and cand.scient.pol.