Crises sometimes create cracks in walls that used to be barriers 

That same day a great persecution broke out against the church in Jerusalem, and all except the apostles were scattered throughout Judea and Samaria... Those who had been scattered began to go about preaching the word (Acts 8:1-4)

By Henrik Nymann Eriksen

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Many times throughout history, God has used difficult times for the church to take the gospel further. Crises sometimes create cracks in walls that were once barriers. In this case, in the first church in Jerusalem, the walls were not only outside the church, but also inside it. 

Thet was difficult for the Jewish Christians to see beyond their own context in Judaism and geographically in Jerusalem. But the persecution scattered them and they carried the testimony of Jesus with them. Even to the hated Samaritans they were scattered and with them the word of Jesus. 

The unpleasant situation of persecution in Jerusalem and elsewhere should not be turned into something good that we should seek out. But when persecution and opposition comes, it has been shown that it does not have to be an obstacle to, that the word of God can be spread. On the contrary. It raises some questions.rcracks in the walls, like brightt from Jesus can shine through. 

When we therefore pray for the persecuted church, it is relevant to keep this in mind as well and include it in our prayer: God take care of your persecuted church and use this unfortunate situation for the light of Jesus to shine ithrough the cracks in the wall that persecution also brings.

Henrik Nymann Eriksen is cand.theol. and rector of the Danish Bible Institute