Today's program:
9.30 Arrival, coffee and light refreshments
10.00 Blessing - a life-changing lifestyle. Presentation by Birgitte Steffensen-Thomasen from Local Houses Of Prayer. A session with plenty of time to put into practice
11.30 The persecuted Christians by Palle Flyger, Danish European Mission. A gathering with prayer stations where you can pray for various needs and hotspots
13.00 Light lunch
14.00 Prayer Walks by Pal Flyger - a collection of local testimonies about prayer walks
15.30 Afternoon coffee
16.30 Lenten prayer in the Maple Chamber War
The day is free but there will be an opportunity to support the event and the work. Accommodation is available for DKK 200 per night.
Address: Svenstrupvej 34, 9640 Farsø. Registration is not necessary, but if you know you are coming, you can write to