North Korea


North Korean Christians recall pre-COVID-19 emergencies: We can't help but be deeply touched by the goodness, grace and love of our Heavenly Father

From North Korea we have received these letters of thanks. 

By the editorial team

North Korea - Persecuted Christians - Prison camps

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Dear Dear sisterre and brOuter,

We have learned that God in his rich grace has provided for us like a tree planted by the brook, and we thank him for all the blessings he has poured out on us.s.

Recently, residents near the border have been concernedBecause. many people and large amounts of goods cross the border. De isnervous for corona virusess and many measures have been taken to prevent its spread. These include health checks on foreign and local business people as well as domestic travelers and crowded markets, including observation and possible isolation of of presumed infected. Local doctors visit villages and track down citizens who have fever and pneumonia but do not respond adequately to standard treatment, after which of isolated. Despite the fact that the measures to prevent the spread of the virus may seem numerous and far-reaching, they are seemingly insufficient. The lack of hand sanitizer and face masks in particular is extremely problematic and this encourages smugglers to - almost patriotically - smuggle these stuff across the border. The many restrictions in the border region seem to have stopped the virus from spreading, but people are suffering the side effects: soaring market prices and the massive shortage of goods are a heavy burden i ordinary people's daily lives.

North Korean women cultivate farmland by hand (Oleg Znamenskiy/shutterstock)

Yet we think of David's words in Psalm 139:14: "I thank you because I am wonderfully made; wonderful are your works, I know it full well!" and from Psalm 139:17-18: "How precious are your thoughts to me, how great is the sum of them, O God! If I count them, they are more than the sand; if I finish them, I am still with you." As we remember the times in the past and present when we have experienced hardship and distress, we cannot help but be deeply touched by the goodness, grace and love of our heavenly Father, who is more numerous than the sand on the beach and who has come to our aid in our helplessness. In the Gospel of John 14:27 it says: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you; I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled or discouraged!" How good it is to know that God knows our troubles when we walk in the shadow of death. When we are struck by fear, anxiety, worry and hopelessness, he pours out his peace and joy so that we can live with the peace and joy of God's kingdom as a spiritual life in our body and heart.

Finally, we would like to thank our brothers and sisters in Denmark and around the world - a wonderful family of God - and we pray that God will add His blessings and grace to new year. We pray for your health and safety.

Best regards,
A North Korean church leader

If discovered, Christians are sent to prison camps where they are typically subjected to seven or eight cruel torture methods.

Dear brotherOuter and seathree,

Greetings jerry with the peace of the Lord.

In the current situation where the coronavirus has taken hold, the government's recent preventive measures have created various problems for the underground church. For example, traveling between the country's regions has become twice as expensive as the number of checkpoints between the different districts and sub-districts has increased. Obstacles are hidden here and there, but because we know that God allowing ourselves to gather as one body sharing faith in community, we walk forward as a pilgrim confidently following Gentlemen.

First and foremost, we would like to thank jerry and our brothers and sisters in Denmark, Russia and the rest of the world. God's grace and blessings are numerous.

Best regards,
A North Korean church leader
