
Emergency aid and development projects

Interview: "In Yemen you can be killed for sharing Jesus"

But Christians show love and compassion that makes people ask: Why are you so different?

By Jonas Mølgaard

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Last year, donors to the Danish European Mission ensured that local relief teams in Yemen were able to distribute food to 588 Yemeni families, which is crucial for poor families in the war-torn and impoverished country. In addition, 244 families were able to install rainwater harvesting systems to provide them with clean water, which helps prevent the spread of COVID-19. In this interview, projectetch Leader, wherethen The situation is in the country, and what a positive difference Christian relief has made.

How is the coronavirus affecting Yemen?

- Vi has already confirmed 1.3 million cases of cholera infection. In addition, we have other epidemics such as diphtheria anddengue feverSo. cOvid-19 is the fourth epidemic, that hit Yemen. The health system in Yemen is already severely affected, and 57% of all healthfacilities are out of operation as a result of the war. When covid-19 is so contagious, as it is, can It spreads quickly i Slums and refugee camps,hvor population density is high.

Children are among the most vulnerable.

How is the church coping during the civil war and the coronavirus?

- On vegne of the local Christians I can tell you, that there is an increasing number of Christians,and Almost all of the provinLooks are there now Christians. Traditionally in Yemen, you only help members of your own tribe, but youe Christians are different, because they help othersMWith support from Mission Possibles donorsSecurethey ensure that vulnerable people get Water, food, hygieneArticles and medicsnsk help. De Christian Helps the poorest of the poor and marginalized groupswho lack identity documents and therefore are overlooked by larger organizations. 

Is it still possible for Christians to get aid into the country at this time?  

- Emergency aid arrives by ship, which in this time must be approved as covid-19free, which is a slow process. However We provided them with in good time, which eis a blessing. We try to give them enough to could distribute tothree months ahead, so now they have to Monthss rations back. Hif the lockdown continues, We will therefore might run into problems, If we can't fulfill the supplies

What is the situation in the country with the civil war? 

The prevalence of covid-19resulted in A national lockdown, why Saudi Arabia ceased the bombing of Yemen, which is good. JI hope, that they stop for good. The battles continue on land,and the is Still no peace or ceasefire. Saudi Arabia still supports one group, and the FUnited Arab Emirates og Iran Supports the otherThet The best will be, if all countries stayed out and let the Yemeni people solve the problems even. STo want tothe the wars could soon be finalized

What impact does that support have, that Danish European Mission donors gave last year?

Support from donors of the Danish European Mission was spent on watercollection system and madudsharingWith your support, we were able to install water collection systems on rooftopein familieswho are among the most vulnerable. I the beginning we transported water to residential areas at frontlinewhere folk Starving and thirsty - Especially children. Later we started installing rainwater harvesting systems - consisting of a storagetank and a collection system - on their flat roofs. You should see them, who receives the help! They are so grateful and happy and takekmany times over. With your help, we can help them, who need it the most. 

Rainwater is cleaned by filters, so it becomes drinking water, but de also gets water to wash itself. Det Secure better hygiene, so you can prevent epidemics such as cholera and now also corona. The systems Secure familiarwater the periodsWhere. There is not much rain.

The second part of the support was for food delivery. We helped familieswhichwere in imminent danger of starvatione. HLast month we received of mad, so they could survive. In the war-torn country it is not possible that receive an income, as there lack of jobs. And it's especially hard for the widows and children.

What emergency aid means for churches, and what opportunities does it give the church to be able to distribute emergency aid and watersystems?

- In Yemen, you can't just say, that you are a Christian or talk about Jesus. In fact, you can man get killed for it in this country, where fleather number are Muslim, and manyis Strict and fanatical. Instead, Christians canshow love and mercy,as makes people askWhy are you so different? Why are you helping us, when you have nothing left for yourself? And why do you do it?And then they can also share the hopethey have at heartt.

For example. is a tribal chief become a Christian. Han Train then out with a relief team to help nogthe of the poorest without identity papersand them, who have been ostracized from society. Normally, a high-ranking man like him Do not do this. He did not go out and say, that he was a Christian, but he took with out there and was recognized as chief. Dand created wonder in the recipientno over, why he helped them and humiliated himself in that way, when others just overlookå them. So they asked ham, Why he did, as he did.Dis to ka He replies., that itwas because, He believedoath on, that all people is created by our creator and has value - at the creator helps us, forgives us and loves us so much, that he even gave his son for us. 

That way they can Christian parts the love, mercy and hope,of have in their heartrand as isbewritten in 1st Petrequest letter 3:15, concludes the project manager.

Support Yemen: Emergency aid for Christians and other minorities