

More Afghans are seeking the Christian faith - due to Islamist brutality

The Taliban - and more recently the Islamic State - are determined to exterminate the few Christians living in Afghanistan. But more and more people are beginning to seek alternatives to Islam - perhaps because of the brutality and culture of death of Islamic groups.

By Samuel

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In Afghanistan, 99.9 % of the population is Muslim and the constitution enshrines Islam as the country's religion.

According to the law, anyone can freely practice their faith, but this right does not apply to Afghans who convert from Islam to the Christian faith. Instead, they risk exclusion from their families, village and clan, and ultimately martyrdom.

For example, it is the norm to regularly attend prayers at the mosque - and it is considered suspicious if you don't. A convert is therefore in a dilemma - outwardly you have to follow the Muslim way of life to some extent, maybe occasionally go to the mosque, but in your heart you can believe in Jesus.

Depending on where they live in the country, the pressure to conform to Islamic lifestyles can be great. As is the case in almost all the countries where the Danish European Mission works, life is more free in the big cities than in the countryside, where everyone knows everyone and you can't 'hide' in the same way as in the big city.

God meets people through dreams and visions

Despite persecution, God is working among people and calling people to follow Jesus. One of the ways is through dreams and visions, and the number of stories of people meeting Jesus through dreams and visions is increasing. The exact number of Christians in Afghanistan is not known, but it is probably around 3000 - and the number seems to be growing.

Many live their faith individually and are wary of fellowshipping with others who claim to be believers. The danger of being lured and deceived is very real. If that happens, they can experience many kinds of difficulties.

Others meet in small groups. These small groups often consist of a few family members or friends who trust each other and have therefore shared the Gospel with each other. They make sure that the gatherings are not discovered or that they look like family or friends just meeting for a cup of tea.

Thank you for praying for the Afghan Christians. They have to practice their faith in conditions that are very difficult for us to imagine. Despite the circumstances, however, they contribute positively to the development of Afghan society.

An increasing number of Afghans are converting to the Christian faith. This is partly due to the brutality of Islamists, causing many to question what they actually believe in if the Islamists' interpretation of the Koran is correct.

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