Sri Lanka


Join us on an encouragement trip to Sri Lanka during your summer vacation!

Persecuted Christians need help and the certainty that they are not alone! If you are between 18 and 30 years old and want to travel and make a difference for persecuted and impoverished Christians, you have the opportunity to tangibly help our brothers and sisters on the encouragement trip to Sri Lanka with a team of other young people from July 29 to August 7, 2016.

By Elisabeth Poulsen

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The purpose of the trip is to give young people in Denmark the opportunity to meet Christian brothers and sisters in a country where they live under persecution and to help encourage them in their faith and be encouraged themselves. During the trip, you will be part of a team that will be handing out Bibles and providing self-help resources, which you can watch videos about below. In addition, you will visit churches and get close to life as a Christian in Sri Lanka. The goal is that more young people will have a need for persecuted Christians and want to take part in the mission to help and strengthen persecuted Christians so that the gospel can reach everyone.

Project coordinator Monroe Jayasuriya:

"It is a great encouragement for the Sri Lankan Christians when Christians from Denmark visit and help the church"

Bible Receiver Samanthi:

"You can't put a price on the Bible. Now I can get to know Jesus better and I can read the Bible with my son."

Participant Dibisa Singam:

"In my daily life in Denmark, I often take the Bible for granted because most of us have the Bible in one or even several editions. You take this privilege for granted and forget to be grateful. The people I met did the opposite and it made a strong impression on me."

What does it require of you?

That you have a desire to help and encourage persecuted Christians and want to participate in the work the team will do on the trip.

Read more about the trip here

If you have any questions about the trip or want to sign up, please write to or call 44 44 13 13.