By Ellen Holst and Alex Bøge Nielsen
Billedet ovenfor: Rejsedeltagerne mærkede taknemmeligheden for biblerne hos fattige srilankanske kristne.
På rejsen oplevede vi, at kristne i Sri Lanka er meget taknemmelige for den støtte, de modtager fra Dansk Europamission. Vi fik mulighed for være til stede i to kirker, hvor både børn og voksne modtog et eksemplar af Bibelen på deres eget sprog. Glæden og taknemmeligheden var tydelig at se. Vi var i et fællesskab med lokale kristne, vi sang og fik et budskab fra Guds Ord. Alle rejsedeltagerne blev velsignet af den lokale menighed. Det var en fantastisk oplevelse!
Pictured right: Pastors receiving Bibles. The trip participants visited several different churches in Sri Lanka
Orphanage needed a dryer
We had an unplanned experience that made a huge impression on everyone in the travel company. At the Sunday morning service, we came into contact with a woman who was the director of a Christian orphanage with 40 children. We were allowed to visit the orphanage and the manager told us about the place. It is only supported to a very limited extent by the state, but fortunately the home receives help from several countries. As the climate is very humid this time of year, they had problems drying their clothes. They very much wanted an industrial dryer. This wish became very important to the participants, so much so that they wanted to raise money for a dryer. We came home and informed the Danish European Mission about this wish, who immediately got involved in the project. Danish European Mission's local partner, Evangelical Alliance, investigated the project further and also came to the conclusion that it was a completely sound project. About a month after returning home, all the money had been collected, about 15,000 DKK.
Saw leopards and blue whales
In addition to these experiences, the trip offered many natural and cultural experiences. The island is very lush with many theme parks. We visited a small tea plantation owned by one of our friends. We were allowed to walk in the fields and were even treated to tea, cakes and fruit in their living room. The tour of a national park was also a great experience where we saw many animals. Some saw a leopard, others an elephant family with a baby that was only a week old.
There was also the opportunity to hike in beautiful surroundings to great viewpoints. Those who went whale watching were lucky enough to see several blue whales up close.
New journey in 2018
A similar tour is offered again this year from October 28 to November 12. The trip offers morning and evening devotions every day. We are once again tour leaders and will do everything to ensure that everyone has a good experience and a good Christian community. Contact Felix Travel on +45 7592 2022 or for more information.
You can help ensure that a poor Christian family can have the opportunity to read God's word in their own home. It only costs 30 kr. to give a Bible. Thank you for any gift.