
Bent Honoré is dead 

By Samuel

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Bent Honoré died on Kr. Ascension Day 2019. He joined the board of the Danish European Mission in 1988 and became chairman in 1997, a position he held until 2012.

Bent Honoré was thus involved in the challenging years of the 1990s, when a replacement had to be found for the Mission's founder, Hans Kristian Neerskov. Henrik Ertner Rasmussen became Secretary General in 1997, and in the20 years with Henrik As top leader, the Danish European Mission became calm. 

Bent Honoré was also involved in the restructuring of Dansk Europamissions work, from focusing on persecuted Christians and mission in the communist world during the Cold War, to being oriented since the 1990s mainly iagainst the Muslim world. 

Bent Honoré was a man who in his long life and work spanned an incredibly wide range. After a few years as assistant pastor at Budolfi Church in Aalborg, he was parish priest in Værløse near Copenhagen from 1969 until his retirement in 2002, only interrupted by a leave of absence when he sat in the Danish Parliament 1973 - 1979 for the Kristeligt Folkeparti. Here he was particularly involved in foreign policy, market policy and the work of the Council of Europe, and in 1976 he participated in Denmark's UN delegation to New York.

Back in 1989, Bent Honoré - together with Ole Skjerbæk Madsen - co-founded the network Forum For a Free People's Church, which later had a major impact on, among other things, Dansk Oase and the formation of many choice and free churches, starting with Aarhus Valgmenighed in 1990 and until today, where there are approximately 60 free churches. Those who have worked with Bent have come to know him as a sharp thinker and professionally inspiring person. Not so long ago, he should have outspoken that he is still looking for "a new Evangelical Lutheran reform that can strengthen true Christianity in Danish culture and church".

It is with great gratitude that we think back to Bent Honorés work and service in the church, in Danish European Mission and in society. 

Honor his memory