Sri Lanka

Self-help for Christians in need

Send a letter of encouragement to a vulnerable Christian in Sri Lanka

Do you want to encourage Christians who are challenged in their faith in a practical way? Then the opportunity is here.

By the editorial team

The family's reputation has been disgraced in the city, perhaps for life, and it has affected the children's schooling and education.

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Pastor Chaminda

For 18 years, Chaminda (not his real name) has faced fierce persecution as a pastor in a small town just outside the capital of Colombo, Sri Lanka. Yet he still shares his faith in Jesus with the townspeople.

Chaminda leads a church that once consisted of 80 families. Now there are only 20 families left due to persecution. In the small town, the Buddhist faith is dominant. It is the many practicing Buddhists who oppress the Christians. In a church not far away, a priest told Chaminda that he would never have the courage to be a priest in the town where Chaminda lives. In fact, many pastors have urged Chaminda to leave the city. 

This makes sense, as Chaminda has experienced beatings, torture and death threats. The family's reputation has been disgraced in the city, perhaps for life, and it has affected the children's schooling and education. For a long time, the city refused to supply the family with water and electricity. But with the help of the Danish European Mission's local project partner, Chaminda will soon be able to help themselves and become financially self-sufficient.

Chaminda have experienced being beaten, tortured and get death threats, but it does not change the calling he has been given by God; to bear witness to Jesus! "If I Leaving the citywho will be there to tell them about Jesus?"

Chaminda experiences so much opposition, but it doesn't change the calling he has been given by God; to testify about Jesus! "If I leave town, who will be there to tell them about Jesus?" Chaminda said. He is fully convinced that God is calling him to be where he is, regardless of the brutal adversity he may face. 

For many years, Chaminda has struggled with persecution, and the ravages of the coronavirus in Sri Lanka have not made the situation any easier. On the contrary, the virus has made things worse. His income is dependent on the donations of the church members, who were already poor. Many of the congregation have lost their jobs and are now struggling to find work. It's hard to make ends meet for Chaminda and the church members. Fortunately, the Danish European Mission's donors ensure that in the near future, the family will be able to help themselves and earn a sustainable income.

A letter will be a great encouragement to Chaminda. 


In a big city in Sri Lanka lives Jeewani (alias). She works in a church. The church is attended by 70 people. At the moment they are struggling to hold services. For many years the church has functioned well, but recently a disgruntled neighbor has taken drastic action against it. The neighbor has occasionally complained about the noise level in the past, and now he has suddenly reported the church to the police. Fortunately, the church was let off with a warning.

In addition to the dispute with the church's neighbor, it happens that Buddhist religious leaders in The area comes by and disrupts and stops the services. So the congregation has its work cut out for it. However, there is one bright spot. Some people in the neighborhood have also said that it is a blessing to listen to the church worship. 

Jeewani doesn't experience persecution from her family and friends, but she does experience persecution from the locals. When this happens, she feels that the church community has given her strength in life. 

She is convinced that God will go with her and guide her. Jeewani believes that there is a blessing in persecution. To that she says: "Embrace it with joy."

The latest we've heard from Jeewani is that she has just lost her husband to natural causesr. A letter to Jeewani will be a great encouragement to her.

Here's how you do it:

  1. Write a letter of encouragement to Chaminda or Jeewani. 
  2. Please write the letter in English, but if Danish is easier, we can translate it into English. 
  3. The letter must not deal with politics or express negative views about Sri Lanka or the religion followed by the majority.
  4. Send the letter by email to or by post to: Danish European Mission, Drejervej 15, 2400 Copenhagen NV. We will make sure that the encouragement is forwarded.
