Sri Lanka

Bible smuggling and translation

Three friends from Denmark hand out Bibles in Sri Lanka

"It was expectant, grateful and festive people we met in Sri Lanka when we had the great honor of distributing Bibles to them from the Danish European Mission."

By Samuel

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That's according to three friends from Denmark who have been backpacking in Sri Lanka this summer.

They continue: "Many have converted from Buddhism and have subsequently found that their family no longer wants anything to do with them. They need our prayers."

"Many Christians in this country cannot afford a Bible, even though it costs only 600 rupees. That's the equivalent of 30 Danish kroner! So it was a great joy when they received their own Bible, because as one said, it is not optimal to live as a Christian without a Bible."

Support Sri Lanka: Bibles for poor Christians

In the coming weeks, you can read more about the friends' journey to Sri Lanka and what it meant for the poor Sri Lankan Christians to get their own Bible.