Turkey/Syria T-shirt White

150,00 kr.


Denne T-shirt illustrerer vores projekt i Tyrkiet og Syrien, hvor livsvigtig nødhjælp uddeles til ofrene for det voldsomme jordskælv.

Læs mere om nødhjælpsarbejdet i Tyrkiet og Syrien her… 


  • Unisex
  • Relaxed fit
  • Wash at 30°
  • GOTS-certified*

* GOTS is the most stringent labeling scheme on the market today and includes social criteria to ensure better working conditions for the people who make the clothes. GOTS ensures an environmentally friendly approach from start to finish and provides a reliable and proven guarantee that you are buying the most environmentally friendly and chemical-free clothing.

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Turkey/Syria T-shirt White
150,00 kr.