Emergency aid and development projects

  • The projects are not only humanitarian but also church-building
  • In most project countries, partner organizations of the Danish European Commission have the opportunity to collaborate with local authorities on the selection of people in need of emergency aid or who may benefit from participating in a development project.
    As a result, persecuted Christians can often have good relations with the authorities.
  • If cooperation with the authorities is not possible, the help is mediated to underground Christians, who also typically help other vulnerable people.
  • Christians care for and give dignity to minorities and outcasts - in countries where there are no welfare benefits like in Denmark.
  • Skepticism, prejudice and hostility towards Christians can often be broken down when members of the majority population see how Christians are making a positive difference.
  • In some cases, the church can gain a platform and a voice in society through relief and development projects. Some become interested in learning more about the Christian faith.

Winter aid for people in need in Ukraine

Russia continues to send rockets over Ukraine and like last year, Ukrainians, especially in the eastern part of the country, can look forward to a dark and cold winter.