Write to Maryam

NB: The letter writing campaign has happily ended as Maryam was released on August 1, 2017.

Maryam Naghash Zargaran (also known as 'Nasim'), a former Muslim, was detained on January 15, 2013 and subsequently sentenced to four years in prison by the Revolutionary Court in Tehran for "Propaganda against the Islamic regime and undermining state security". She began serving her prison sentence in July 2013.

She is effectively convicted because of her participation in services in the underground church in Iran, made up of Muslims who have converted to the Christian faith.

A letter will be a great encouragement to Maryam. She is serving her sentence simply because she boldly confesses her faith in Jesus and puts it into practice.

1. click here to download the letter

2. Write a small personal greeting to her. It must not be critical of Iran.

3. Sign the letter.

4. Send it to Danish European Mission, Drejervej 15, 2400 Copenhagen NV. We will then forward it to the prison.

We need to receive your letter by August 15, 2017, so that Maryam can be encouraged by your greeting during the last days of her imprisonment.

Click here to read the letter in Danish...

Maryam is released, but accused again

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