Det var et mirakel at ingen omkom af forgiftningen eller kom til skade, da en kirke i det sydlige Kasakhstan blev udsat for et giftangreb den 7. maj under gudstjenesten.
En mand havde medbragt to flasker med gift i en bærepose, som han hældte ud over gulvet under gudstjenesten, tæt ved indgangsdøren. Manden løb ud af kirken, og giften udviklede sig til en kraftig gul røg som fik folk til at flygte i panik hen mod nødudgangen.
Andre valgte at springe ud af vinduerne fra anden sal, men ingen kom alvorligt til skade, og alle undgik forgiftningen.
Politiet og redningskøretøjer blev straks tilkaldt telefonisk, men der gik hele 2 1/2 time før nogen
dukkede op. Meget tyder derfor på at efterretningstjenesten havde iscenesat dette.
Efterfølgende har kirken gennem kirkernes fællesorganisation klaget til myndighederne, hvorefter efterretningstjenesten har foreslået at installere deres overvågningskameraer i og omkring kirken for at sikre den mod en gentagelse. Dette forslag er naturligvis absurd, da det vil betyde at efterretningstjenesten fuldstændig kan overvåge kirken.
Kazakhstan just 3 years ago: Sanctuary for the Church in Central Asia
This latest attack is an example of a dramatic escalation in the persecution of Christians in Kazakhstan.
In the years following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Kazakhstan oriented itself towards the West. This applied both to the implementation of market economy reforms, but also to ensuring civil liberties, including freedom of religion. Thus, Kazakhstan has largely been a sanctuary for the church in Central Asia, unlike neighboring countries such as Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, where the persecution of Christians has been very severe for many years.
Danish European Mission was on the spot
For several years, the Danish European Mission has continuously monitored developments in Kazakhstan. Already in the August-September 2011 issue of the Danish European Mission magazine, fundraising for a project to strengthen the church in Kazakhstan began.
The project supports Christian rehabilitation work among drug addicts, alcoholics and homeless people in a part of the country that is characterized by great social need. Not only can these disadvantaged people get a new life through the project, but the authorities can also see how people's lives are transformed. In doing so, the authorities may realize that accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ and aligning society with the words of the Bible can only make a positive difference in their country.