Emergency aid and development projects

Help the persecuted Christians to help

trafficked, prostituted and battered women.

By Samuel

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I'm writing to you because I've just been to a country in Central Asia* and met girls like Tanya** who need your help. She has been trapped as a sex slave.

"When I was a kid, my mom and my older sister beat me all the time. Everything I did was wrong in their eyes. So one day when I was 14, I just ran away from home"Tanya says.

Then she met a man who offered her a job and a place to live. But it turned out that this man had a terrible motive.

Because before long, she was locked in an apartment as a sex slave. She was in the process of having her life destroyed by men who were simply using her to satisfy their desires.

She can't remember how many men she had as customers. She can remember some of their faces. But most of all, she remembers how badly they treated her. She got about 12 kroner for each man.

"One day I remember hearing a voice say:"Stop, that's enough." I don't know who said it to me, but I heard this voice. Some time after that, I found myself in a church. My feet had brought me there."

Now Tanya gets help for self-help of Christians. The Christians themselves are persecuted for their faith. They are monitored by the intelligence services and pressured by increasing Islamization in the country.
Yet they have chosen to be obedient to God's call to help women in crisis.

I also met a battered Muslim woman, Muzdah**, who is being helped by the project. She was beaten when her husband found out she was pregnant. He beat her so badly that she lost the baby.

Her husband also tried to strangle her - so badly that she couldn't even swallow liquids and had to be hospitalized.

Many women in the country are married to men who beat them daily. Due to Islam and local culture, women are perceived as inferior to men.

There are many women like Tanya and Muzdah. Their self-esteem is destroyed daily when they are humiliated, beaten or sexually exploited by men.

God loves these women who have fallen victim to the cruelty of others - or have taken a wrong turn in life themselves. He has not forgotten them. He sent Jesus to earth so that they, like you and me, could receive grace, restoration and a whole new life through faith in him.

Therefore, there are Christians who offer women shelter in a safe environment away from the streets or abusive husbands. Women are offered legal counseling and medical care. They also receive counseling so they can receive inner healing.

The women gain skills such as sewing and jewelry making. Then they can start their own business or get a job and become Self-sufficient. So they can have a better future.

Now I ask you to help the persecuted Christians to show God's love by helping many other girls out of the grip of evil.

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Wishing you a blessed Christmas
Samuel Nymann Eriksen
Project Manager

*, ** I can't mention the name of the women and the country as Several politicians and government officials are involved in human trafficking themselves. If they learn about the project, they may work against this valuable Christian work... in a country where there are few Christians, and it is crucial that we enable them to spread God's unconditional love in the dark.